
2019? Well, time does not exist

This blog has been inspired by Eckhart Tolle's suggestion to view ourselves as the space in which aging happens. It is also a reaction to all the disparaging remarks flying around and directed against people who happen to have been born after WW2. How on earth has the time of birth become an identity issue, it's a mystery to me. Still, this is what it is, so why not wear it as a badge of honour? Various publications keep saying baby boomers sit on significant amounts of wealth or disposable income. No one talks of the wealth of experience that could benefit the younger generations. It is not absolutely necessary to re-invent the wheel every 20 years. Would anyone be interested to ask a baby-boomer something that could be useful or just interesting? Would a baby-boomer be prepared to answer a question from a Millennial or Generation Z or any one born after 1964 (the year when apparently the last baby-boomer was born). Maybe.